Class Information

Below is a copy of the "class expectations" that were distributed at the beginning of the school year.  Please see Mr. Maltese if you would like an extra copy.


Contact Informaion

School Phone - 860.870.6070

Email -

Class Information

Hello and welcome to 7th grade.  I hope you had a restful and relaxing summer vacation and are looking forward to a rewarding school year.  My name is Mr. Maltese and I will be your math teacher during the 2011-12 school year.

Stated in the information you received in the summer, teachers have high expectations for everyone on Team Endeavor to be polite, respectful and well-behaved, therefore striving to achieve their personal best. 

Students should come to math class each day with the following items:

  • Covered Textbook
  • Notebook
  • Pencil
  • Correcting Pen
  • Planbook

I ask that all students come to class each day eager to learn.  This can be accomplished by arriving to class on time, bringing all necessary materials (including homework), participating, and studying at home. 

Student grades will be calculated based on a “point” system:

  • Class Participation-3 points per day (punctuality, participation, behavior)
  • Homework-8 points per assignment (partial credit for late or incomplete assignments)
  • Quizzes-50 points (quizzes are given at least once a week and are directly related to homework and class notes)
  • Unit Tests/Projects-100 points (ample notice will be given for tests/projects)

Students will be expected to keep an organized notebook.  Sections should be devoted to warm-ups, classwork, homework, and assessments.  Please see me if you need assistance organizing your notebook.

Extra help is available before school, during homeroom, in study hall, or after school.  Please make arrangements if you are having difficulty or have missed class.

7th grade math is designed to prepare you for the 8th grade classes of either Pre-Algebra or Algebra 1.  Topics that will be covered are fractions, decimals, exponents, order of operations, equations, percents, geometry, and graphing.  Texas Instrument calculators will be used in class for support but a basic calculator will suffice when working on homework.

Class Behavioral Expectations

Safety - Act appropriately in all areas of the building and treat school property with care

Organization - Use your planner, notebook, and bring all materials to class

Achievement - Participate, complete assignments, study, and always try your best

Respect & Responsibility - Treat others as you would like to be treated